10 Mart 2013 Pazar

                                                  HISTORY OF ICE CREAM

      Do you know that ice cream whose consumption increase quickly with the coming of hot summer days is now 3.000 years old? Although it is thought that Chinese were the first race who met ice cream, heroes of the story of the first ice cream was Romans.

   Roman emperor, Neron, is widely known with his bellicosity also his gluttonous. While he was watching gladiator’s fights, he rewarded his chefs who served delicious meals to emperor. One day, one of the chefs filled the snow which he collected from a peak of mountain with compress in a container. He served it to emperor by pour honey and small fruits on it. Neron liked very much it which he had not tasted before. The other day he sent his soldiers to collect snow. He made chefs prepare the first ice cream by pouring honey and small fruits. These  method which come from Romans is still used by people who live in Anatolia, but they use it with one difference, they try to gain unique taste with molasses not honey.

  Homeland of the ice and cold beverages is always East countries. Those who lived in Anatolia, Arabians and Iranians drank ice sugary waters which called “şerbet” or drank ice fruit juices.  Western people, who met culture of the East, discovered flavors which were unique in East. Ice cream descriptions, which Marka Polo brought from China, gave a new sight to Italian chefs. They developed different ice creams on their own. Chefs who were exiled to France palace by Catherine of Florentine who was married to France king Henry II, taught to their France counterparts how to make ice cream. Ice cream coming to Europe in the seventeen century was famous in a short time.

    It is known that there were almost 250 ice cream shops in Paris. At 1851 Jacob Fussel began to make ice cream and buy in U.S.A.  In Italy there is a unique kind ice cream which is prepared with different ingredients: Semi- freddo. This famous ice cream is prepared by adding creamy biscuit before it is frozen. At old times ice cream was made in containers which were covered by salt and ice. After 1900, with the advent of refrigerator ice cream spread to all over world.  The cornet which gives a chick taste first appeared in World Exhibition which held on Missouri Louis at 1904.

  Ice cream in Turkey was prepared in special ice cream shops or by street ice cream sellers in the past.  Hand-churned ice cream became famous with a name called “Maraş ice cream”. Boiled milk intensified by adding salep is made cool by mixing. Combination whose environment is covered with ice layer is made frozen by beating. With this way ice cream become a dessert which stretch like gum and does not melt easily.